
1This is based upon a hypothetical future which may not come to pass. Not only could it fail to materialize, but the business and stock price could also move in the opposite direction, and you could lose all the money you invest.

Enterprise value is a measure of a company’s total value. Return on equity is calculated by dividing net income by shareholders’ equity and is a measure of financial performance. Free cash flow yield is an overall return evaluation ratio of a stock, which standardizes the free cash flow per share a company is expected to earn against its market price per share. The ratio is calculated by taking the free cash flow per share divided by the share price. Earnings Before Taxes, Income, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA) is a calculation of a company’s financial health. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is the mean annual growth rate of an investment over a specified period of time longer than one year.

The information presented should not be considered a recommendation to purchase or sell any security and should not be relied upon as investment advice. It should not be assumed that any purchase or sale decisions will be profitable or will equal the performance of any security mentioned. References to specific securities are for illustrative purposes only. Portfolio composition is shown as of a point in time and is subject to change without notice.

The views expressed in this commentary reflect those of the author as of the date of the commentary. Any views are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions, and Miller Value Partners disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results or investment advice. Data from third-party sources cited herein is believed to be reliable, but may not have been independently audited by Miller Value Partners.

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